Firstly notice that, there is no much architecture change in the Windows7. it is so much like vista, and xp, sp what's new? There are lot's of improvements to make it easier and the pleasure of the user.
Here is the new:
1. Taskbar
There is no more taskbar with the list of application, but now, it just show:
- Large icon like Mac's
- Thumbnail of the window
- The connected device
2. System Tray
- You can make the icons in your desktop tidy with this
- It means icon selection
3. Jump List
- If you click the application on the taskbar, Make you can choose so many action possible to be done with the application, example: Playing frequent played music with WM Player
4. User Account
- Not Just to off and on the account
- It will pops if on installation application or using application
5. Performance
- Less Booting Time
- No Bloatware
6. Paint
-The paint is now using UI ribbon technologies like office '07 and much more improved
7. Touch Screen
8. Windows Live
- Photo Gallery, Movie Maker dan Email are free to download
9 Theme
-You can manipulate the themes
10. Search Federation
-Search in any computer, file storage, and network in one click
11. Automatic Window Size
- Drag to right, left to make it Half size
12. Streaming Multimedia
-Convert any type of media to be playable
13. Minimalist WMP
14. iTunes Compatibility
-AAC for audio andH.264i for video
-iTunes library
15. Peeking
-Knowing content without click the window
16. Home Group
-Easy file sharing
17. Libraries
- Sort file on a computer by type
18. Device Stage
-peripheral thing in one place
19. No sidebar
The bad:
1. HomeGroups
-Possibi9lity make you to peruse photos stored on a desktop in the den from your laptop in the living room,
2. Windows Update can still shut you down
3.You can't upgrade Windows XP
We don't know about Windows7
1. How bad will compatibility be?
2. Hardware companies take us to the Device Stage?
3.Is the touch screen is useful to an interesting application?
Thanks to: udaramaya.com and msnbc.msn.com