Be based on WinRAR help, the definition of WinRaR are:
WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of the RAR archiver - a powerful tool which allows you to create, manage and control archive files. There are several versions of RAR, for a number of operating environments: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, DOS, OS/2, MacOS X.
There are two versions of RAR for Windows:
·Version with graphical user interface - WinRAR.exe;
·Command line console (text mode) version - Rar.exe.
WinRAR features
·Complete support of RAR and ZIP archives;
·Highly sophisticated, original compression algorithm;
·Special algorithms optimized for text, audio, graphics, 32-bit and 64-bit Intel executables compression;
·Shell interface including drag-and-drop facility and wizard;
·Command line interface;
·Non RAR archives (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO) management;
·Solid archiving, which can raise compression ratio by 10% - 50% over more common methods, particularly when packing a large number of small, similar files;
·Multivolume archives;
·Creation of self-extracting archives (also multivolume) using the default or optional SFX modules;
·Recovering physically damaged archives;
·Recovery volumes allowing to reconstruct missing parts of multivolume archives.
·Support for Unicode in file names;
·Other service functions, such as encryption, archive comments, error logging, etc.
Thats it. Well, maybe you usually use it to compress your high size file to make it more simple and not take a lot of space in your harddisk, or to make it size not so big at sending an email to friends.
Now WinRAR come again with its newest version, this is 3.7.1, in this version, winrar put bug recovery on locked rar volume, and recovery of Incorrect display size on ISO file that have 4GB or more in size.
Minimum Spesification: Windows 98, 32MB RAM
File Size: 1.15 MB
File Name: wrar371.exe
http://files8.rarlab.com/rar/wrar371.exeSource: PC Mild Tabloid, Indonesia